How do I update user roles for admins, principals, and staff?

Onboarding or changing permissions

This article is for administrators with an active Schoolytics subscription. 

Default Settings
When staff login to Schoolytics, the account defaults to a Teacher role, allowing them to view just the courses for which they are a teacher or co-teacher.
Updating Staff Permission
Note: Only G Suite / Workspace Admins can update staff permissions. 
To manage staff in your organization as a Workspace Admin in Schoolytics, click the avatar icon on the bottom left corner to take you to your Manage Organization page:
Admin View Manage Org
From here you will see a list of staff who have already logged into Schoolytics.
last login
To change staff access, click edit user permissions.
edit permissions
From here, there are four roles a staff member can have:
  1. Admin Viewer - this user can view all student records in the organization, but cannot add new users
  2. Org Unit Admin Viewer - this user can only view records for students within the specified org unit
  3. Teacher - this user can only view student records for courses which they are an owner or co-teacher
  4. Staff - this user can only view student records for courses which they are an owner or co-teacher

change permissions

Clicking update will save the change.