What can I do with the Missing Assignment Report?

Tips for Teachers

Within the Missing Assignment Report, teachers can:

  • Drill down to see all the assignments missing for a student
  • Send a pre-filled email to the student with the student's missing assignments listed 
  • Copy co-teachers, administrators, case managers, or parents on the email 
  • Export the Missing Assignment Report as a Google Doc, Google Sheet, CSV file, or PDF

Missing Assignment Automatic-1

What does the Missing Assignment Report show?

The Missing Assignment Report shows all of the students who have 1 or more missing assignments within a date range.

Missing Assignments Assignment Status Filter



What counts as a missing assignment?

An assignment is considered missing for a student in Schoolytics when:

  1. The due date has passed AND
  2. The assignment has not been submitted by the student OR the assignment was returned without a grade OR a grade of 0 to the student

In Schoolytics, missing assignments are based on due dates in Google Classroom. If an assignment does not have a due date, it will not be included in the Missing Assignments report.


Save time by sending bulk Missing Assignment emails

Teachers can send all students an email with their individual Missing Assignment with one click.

Bulk Missing Assignments Email Inconsistent Header

How does the Missing Assignment Report help teachers?

We built the Missing Assignment Report to save time and keep communication clear between the classroom and home. The Missing Assignment Report is helpful for teachers because it shows all of the students who are missing assignments, across all classes. This report is one of our most popular features for teachers!


How can I find the Missing Assignment Report?

First, log in to your Schoolytics Account.

Then, click on the Missing Assignments Report on the left rail. 

District Schoolytics Accounts

If you're interested in learning more about how Schoolytics can improve communication between teachers and students, consider scheduling a demo with our team.